I’ve Accepted the Challenge…

A couple of months ago, I stumbled onto Bikram Yoga.  I was looking for something new — I had grown weary of dragging myself to the gym and trying to ignore the experience by listening to audiobooks.  Yoga came to mind because I had tried it several times over the years, and — important for me — it’s low impact.  (I’ve got issues with my left ankle and foot that make running and most other sports impossible.)

Bikram Yoga PasadenaI had never heard of Bikram Yoga before I began looking around on the Web for yoga classes in my neighborhood.  The notion of working out in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit intrigued me.  It was also a bit scary, but I’ve lived in the desert.  I know exactly what 105 feels like, along with 110, and even, on occasion, 119.  105 seemed quite reasonable.  Even so, I read every opinion I could find on the Web about hot yoga — from “don’t do this unless you want to kill yourself” to “this changed my life.”

With my first class, I knew I had discovered something worth pursuing. Now, after two months and 35 or so classes, I have begun to experience for myself the life-changing results that come from regular practice. I’ve decided to accept the “60-Day Challenge” — to complete 60 classes (each 90 minutes long) in 60 days. I don’t really know what to expect, but I am eager to find out what happens to my body and my mind as I navigate the next two months. Beginning February 1, 2012, I’ll share my experiences here. (But I’ll keep the sweat to myself.)

— Megan Edwards

3 thoughts on “I’ve Accepted the Challenge…

  1. I’m not going to be participating directly in the “torture room” 60-day challenge, but it is going to affect my life too. I imagine that our collective diet will evolve as Megan goes through this period. And I’ll even get to learn some of the poses without having to actually do the work!

  2. Megan,
    Good Luck to you. I tried it once and felt like a sweaty pretzel about to topple over. I guess that means I need the improved balance skills I’m sure are part of the program.

    • Thanks, Ruth! Sweaty pretzel — lol! Yes, balance is a big part of it all. I’m horrible at it, but I’m hoping to improve. Sweat is a big part of it, too, but — I’m finding out — it’s inconsequential compared to everything else.

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