Mission Accomplished

Yesterday at 6:30 p.m, I raised a glass with a smiling and sweaty group of revelers at Bikram Yoga Pasadena as we celebrated the end of our 60th class in 60 days.  We did it!  I think you can see the sweet (or slightly salty) glow of success on the faces in the photo.

Photo by Gordon Nip

It does feel like an accomplishment.  My muscles are reminding me as I write this that they haven’t had a break in a while.  The soreness is inconsequential, though.  The benefits I’ve reaped are far more important.  Following are the ones I’m aware of, in no particular order.

1.  Muscles.  I have a beefy muscle in my right leg where before all I had was a limp noodle.  That is my most startling change, but all my muscles are more defined than they used to be.  I even have the beginnings of a two-pack instead of an all-flab belly.

2.  Measuring devices going down.  I shaved four inches off my waist.  I lost about eight pounds.  My blood pressure is lower.

3.  Balance.  This is one of my biggest challenges, and I still have a long way to go.   But I improved to a point beyond what I thought was possible.  I now know I can do more.

4. A happy outlook. A few weeks into the 60-Day Challenge, I realized that several days had passed without my thinking about death. In retrospect, I think I was slightly depressed. It’s wonderful that the mental energy I was expending on thoughts of mortality now seems to provide me with greater optimism and creativity.

5.  Body love.  I’ve always appreciated my body, but I realize now that I loved it like it was a little waif.  I cut it slack.  I thought about it in a, “Oh, you poor little thing,” sort of way.  It’s not a horrible thing to think, but it’s not empowering.  Now I know that my body would really prefer being thought of as capable.  I know it can do things I heretofore thought it should be protected from.  I now expect it to step up, and I know it’s happier because I do.

6.  Mental clarity.  I feel sharper and quicker.  When I begin a task, my focus is better.  I feel more astute and confident when I write.

7. A partner. During the Challenge, my husband decided to give Bikram Yoga a try. He’s now practicing regularly. I don’t know what inspired him, but whatever it was, yay!

8.  Confidence.  I have never before attempted a serious athletic challenge.  Completing this one successfully makes me proud.  It makes me want to set my sights higher.

9.  Camaraderie.   I appreciated this aspect of yoga from the beginning.  Now, having shared the past 60 days with several dozen fellow practitioners and the wonderful teaching staff at Bikram Yoga Pasadena, I realize even more how nurturing and supportive it is to be part of a community.  We practice alone, but we share our ups, downs, insights, accomplishments… and sometimes, champagne!

13 thoughts on “Mission Accomplished

  1. I’m certainly proud of you!

    My own practice time thus far is short in comparison, but I certainly can attest to the soreness of muscles that this discipline seems to create. I actually look forward to the time in the “torture chamber” because the residual pain seems to disappear there…

    And I really appreciate the kindness and tips that have been offered to me, as a short-timer, by fellow practitioners and staff alike. This really is an amazing place.

    Congratulations to all of the 60-day participants!

  2. And this is not an April Fool’s Day post, but Megan is heading to the studio to attend her 61st class!

  3. So happy for you Megan! It’s been so far doing the Challenge together. Let’s keep on keepin’ on with bikram!! (P.S. How was class today? Empty?) 🙂

  4. Thanks, Margaret! Jen, there were 23 people there! It was a great class, and it felt good to be there. Hope to see you soon!

  5. Congratulations! That’s a great accomplishment and a source of pride for the rest of your life–which thanks to the path you chose, will probably be lots longer.

  6. Congrats, Megan! I love seeing the big smile on your face! Now, the next step is to maintain what you got from the challenge, how many days have you plan to come now? =P

  7. Congratulations Megan!!! Well done!! May I also add that you were UP the in FRONT row on Day 60, no longer the shy wallflower hiding in the back row, who now proudly performed a beautiful Camel back bend for Miranda to photograph!! Now if THAT’s not a transformation, I don’t know what is!! Excellent list my friend. It was an absolute pleasure to have met you in person and then to have gone on this journey with you. Your blog, seeing your smiling face before and after classes, your FB posts – all of it motivated and carried me through the last 60 days. I can hardly believe it has come to an end. See you at the Studio soon!

  8. CONGRATS, Megan. Such a pleasure reading and getting inspired by your blog throughout the challenge. And the SASHES???? Brilliant! thank you for making them 🙂

  9. Great Job! It’s been so much fun looking forward to reading all of your posts throughout the challenge, I’m gonna miss that. You are one of the fellow challengers I got to talk to and practice with more and I hope we continue to see each other regularly. Love this list, it still continues to amaze me how this one type of exercise can do so much for us, that is what keeps me coming back.

  10. Congratulations Megan–great effort! I love your 10 things I learned summary. And of those, I resonate with all of them, none moreso than that about comraderie and community. Best from Bozeman, Scott Bischke

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